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רשימת מקצים
4 Round for time:
100 D.U.
10 Meter lunch Walk 40 kg
6 Ring Muscle Up
in team of 2: 20 sit up with 9 kg wallball
2 Legless Rope Climb With 2.5 kg Plate
3 Round for time:
20 Hockey Pull Up
20 WallBall 13 kg
2 Monkey Bar
20 Burpee Box 50 cm
20 Push Press 50 kg
2 Net Climb
3 Round for time:
60 kg Slide pull on 4 - 50 meter
10 D Ball 50kg
30 TTB
3 Legless Rope Climb
In the end one of the team do hanging man 1:40 min
3 Round for time:
60 kg Move plate to 25 meter
10 Wall Jump
8 Step MonkeyBar Pull up
25 Meter Hand Cart walk with friend
In the end one of the team do 50 burpee
All round one man hold 15 kg barbel over the head
3 Round for time:
25 TTB
25 Dips
25 Pull up
4 Net climb
* If the barbel goes down the team finish work
3 Round for time:
10 Gorila Bar
20 Box jump 85 cm
12 Pistol jump over - alt
20 Dead lift 90 kg
10 Triple under
3 Round for time:
10 Meter Handstand walk
10 Back squat 80 kg
20 pull up
20 OHSQ - 40 kg
30 diamond Push up
30 Burpee
3 Round for time:
Ninja horn on monkeybar Back and forth
10 Clean 60 kg
400 Meter Run with 20 kg sand bag
40 Air squat
10 Bar Muscle up
3 Round for time:
150 Meter suiside sprint
30 Heavy rope D.U
15 Thrusters 43 kg
15 Strict HSPU
1 Peg Board with leg
3 Round for time:
500 Meter Raw
30 kb swing - 18 kg
20 Snach - 40 kg
Tier Flip - 50 Meter
50 Sit up
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